In order to make steady progress towards the goal of being admitted to a Top US University, it is essential that students follow a specific plan. They have to take the right set of courses each semester: courses required for admission to the university; courses for which the credit will transfer; and courses in which they can succeed. The plan needs to be updated each semester to take into account performance to date. In addition, students need to communicate effectively with their teachers. Hence we:

Develop a complete course enrollment plan for the duration of the student’s stay at the college or university to ensure that the student can make progress towards the chosen degree and graduate on time.

Update this plan each semester to take into account progress to date and any changes in student goals.

Review professors’ teaching evaluations and place the students in optimal classes with the strongest instructors.

Assist with course registration and schedule changes where necessary.

Help students to communicate effectively with their teachers, either in person or by correspondence, to maximize student performance.

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