
Why Choose to Study in America

Dr. Stanley Nel
October 6, 2019

If you have not yet decided whether to study in America, here are some factors you might want to consider.


American colleges and universities are known around the world for the quality of their facilities, resources and faculty. Accreditation sys­tems, as well as competition among universities, ensure that institutions continue to maintain these standards. In part, this quality arises from how well-funded many institutions are. This allows them to maintain high academic standards, and to offer features that might be lacking elsewhere.

Personal Attention from Professors

For example, small class sizes are quite common, with as few as 5 to 20 students in one class, meaning that professors can give you a lot of personal attention. You will be encouraged to contribute to class discussions, and you might even meets with professors in their offices, or share a meal with them and their families, In other words, professors can become more than just teachers: they often mentors to students.


American universities value their diversity, and go to great lengths in their admission processes to ensure that an incoming class contains people with different backgrounds, socio-economic status and interests. You will find people from many different countries studying here.

Students often remark that their classes and dormitories are full of students from every nationality, ethnicity, and having access to and contact with so many cultural backgrounds makes the experience that much more enlightening.


America has perhaps the most flexible system of higher education in the world. You can study at one institution for a year or two and then transfer elsewhere. At most universities, you are also not tied down to one narrow area of study from the day you enter. Most universities will ask you to apply in a particular area, but they leave a lot of room for you to explore a variety of options and interests.

Most universities are committed to making sure that, as an undergraduate, you receive a well-rounded education. That is because, whatever career you finally end up pursuing, you will need to be able to think critically, communicate effectively, and have some knowledge of the society in which you live.


The U.S. education system is unrivaled in the choice it offers in types of institutions, academic and social environments, entry requirements, degree programs, and subjects in which to specialize. For example, if you are interested in studying business, you are not limited to just a general business degree, but you can choose from many concentrations: accounting, marketing, international business, business management, business administration, finance, and many more.